Tank mystery. Please help diagnose!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 21, 2014
Hello everyone,

I need help! I have a well seasoned aquarium 125 gal. (in use for 9 years without incident) and I have experienced something very unusual. My 2 GRS severum have died and this is the story. I gave away my community tank fish to get the Severum (I kept the tiny pleco) the fish clearly have enough room in the tank. I had resolved to keep the tank cleaner of late, no heavy water changes but more frequent smaller ones. They lived fine for a couple of months. I feed them flake and tiny pellets. I sometimes let them munch on zucchini hearts. A few times (5-6) I gave them frozen bloodworms. They went bananas for them. The tank gets a sliver of direct sun in the summer at the end of the day for only 2 hours. This has never been a problem. There are two pieces of drift wood purchased from a reputable aquarium store. I have a gravel bottom. There Has always been trumpet snails in the tank, but this event coincided with a drastic growth in their population. My parameters are golden. Prefect. I have a huge canister filter. I have a huge bubble curtain on a timer.

One morning I noticed my larger Severum was breathing heavily and was sluggish. It would not eat. It’s colour was fine. No fin rot, abrasion, itching, clear eyes... Slowly over the course of 5 days or so its condition worsened and it eventually died. The second one followed suit shortly thereafter. What was very interesting to me was that my algae growth almost completely stopped too. The pleco is the only thing left in the tank and it seems fine, at least as far as watching something not move for hours anyway. At night it darts around.

Someone -please help me figure this out. I’m stumped! Bacteria bloom? Bad food? Oxygen or CO2? Did I over clean? Or was it simply over bread fish?

Thank you!

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