Tank Purchase

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 6, 2005
First Question in a string of many....

I hope to make my tank purchase next weekend. I have been looking at the tanks at PetsMart, more specifically the SeaClear 36G. Are these tanks any good? What are my other options for purchasing a tank? I can't seem to find a LFS. I want a decent sized tank as room isn't an issue, just money! :D

Here is a link to the one I am looking at. Any feedback would be helpful, I am definitely a newbie to this hobby and want to do it right the first time.

36G Tank
Have you seen it in the store?
I had a 40gal acrylic like that and it REALLY needs to be in a stand to look nice,where as a glass tank can look nice just sitting on a desk,table, stand or whatever. But thats just my opinion

There are some drawbacks I have found with the acrylic tank I had- The top part with the rectangular holes gets kinda annoying when trying to move ur hand/net around in the aquarium and you are limited by where you can put the heater/filter etc

If you have gone to the store, and really like what you see- then go for it

You could check on ebay and see if there are any kits for sale in ur area as well
Ebay! Now why didn't I think of that? I buy everything else there.

No, I haven't seen the tank in the store yet. I am going to go this week and look at them. I have noticed that a lot of people here seem to have 55gal tanks, but I have yet to find one.
I can't give you an opinion on acrylic, but I got a All-Glass 36 gallon bowfront with a glass hood and light strip for about $175 from a local dealer and I really like it. When I was starting out and asked a lot of questions, most people here recommended I get the tank locally and the rest of the equipment online (I found that Big Al's - http://www.bigalsonline.com/splash.html - has the best pricing for the equipment I was looking for).

Harrisburg's a drive from where I am, but if you like road trips, I got my tank here - Hanover Pet (aka Aquatic Visions), 200 Route 10 West, East Hanover - (973) 386-0885. Speak with Dorothy, she was the one who helped me and I found her to be the most knowledgable.

So yeah, like I said, it's a road trip, but in the end it might save you $100 or more.

Good luck!
Greenfish - Thanks for the link. I didn't even know this place was there. Lancaster's not too far so I'm going to go check it out.

MoxieGrrrl - Thank you, between Big Al's and That Pet Place I think I've spent about $3000 just window shopping already!
Any comments on this tank? Its local to me but Im suspect of the stand and what he means by "light wood".

Ebay Auction
He is referring to the color of the stand when he is saying "light wood".
A "Dark Wood" would be something like Cherry, or Mahogany.

The Term "light wood" won't have any effect on durability or weight of the stand, just referencing the color.
I just saw the picture of the tank and stand, (it didn't load the first time). He is definately referring to the color of the wood.

That's a good starting price too. That stand alone is probably worth a few hundred dollars. Good Luck with your bidding.

I am currently building one similar to that and I am going to have about 200 dollars worth of wood into it.
Haha, Thanks StickyTuba. I just proved why I am not building a stand!!
If you got that tank and stand for around 100-125, that's a good deal! I'm not sure about the hood--I don't understand why there are two hoods. I would go for, get rid of the ugly backing and crazy gravel, get a canister filter and an ebo jager heater and you will be ready to pic out fish :D
That auction is ending today, what do you think it might be worth? I don't want to overpay if I can get it cheaper at a store, but it does seem like a good deal.
Thanks, I just hope no one else here is looking for one in my area! hahaha :D
You might want to think what comes with the tank it is cheaper to get a smaller tank but with all the items you need I am getting a 10 gal with everything i need but the fish for 55$ normal I would cost 150$ for that also you can buy more tanks if you want
DodgeRT--did you get it?!?!?
*edit--I see it went for over $200. Just keep your eyes open, a deal will come along.

I am not familiar with the tank you mentioned. Personally, I have always used all glass and stayed away from acrylics and designer tanks. All Glass has a great warrantee as well. My brother blew out a seam on one at college and they replaced it no questions asked. They even coordinated an LFS for him to pick it up at.

At the price listed you could get a much larger tank as well. New 55g retail around $99-119 tank only. As far as size if space is not an issue from experience I would get as big as you can afford now. I started with a 20gal in college and 5 tanks later now have a 75g and and have my eye on a 120gal :wink:

They seem big at first until you fill them up.

Good luck,
No, I didn't get it. I let it go after $200. I will just keep my eyes open for a good deal and the wife said I could go to "That Fish Place" in Lancaster and check it out! :D
Look in the paper you might get lucky. Or even put an add in the paper saying you want to buy a used tank some one might call ;)
I just looked in our local web site classifieds and found a 55gal with dark wood stand for $75. Im going to look at it on Sunday. If its in decent shape and I can pick up a little cheaper Im going to get it. Always on the hunt for a bargain. 8)
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