tank size to my fish

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38 gallon- 1 oscar, and 1 pleco

that your new tank? got a pic

that oscar will grow bit to big for your tank i learned that and anything smaller he will eat
38 gallon- 1 oscar, and 1 pleco

that your new tank? got a pic

that oscar will grow bit to big for your tank i learned that and anything smaller he will eat
go here Oscar its just a thread i made on him. sorry no pic i dont have a computer cable but i will buy one soon but the fish stuff comes first i care more for the fish than his looks sorry.:p
no of cause not but i will be on there more of the time because they are all from ther ik and it is easier to talk and do deals as they are all malawi owners
get my new mubna friday doing a tank overall all bar 2 going and im starting with 1 inch fry

cant wait, following fish

hongi (around 8 but very small),
4 yelow labs, ,
4 afra white top
4 ngara acei

20 in total

cant wait to start breeding them when they big enough

they will have the company of
1 yellow lab
1 kingsizie
2 unknown mubuna (pretty things)
1 catfish
1 bristel nose
it will look very empty for couple of months then very colourful
all the rest are going
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