Tankmates for angelfish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 14, 2004

Are there any kinds of small schooling fish that will get along well with Angelfish? I would like Green Tiger Barbs, but I have read that they will tear up the Angel's fins.
tiger barbs are not a good choice IMO. However, any sort of tetra will be fine (accept neons, they'll get eaten). Also, cory cats are wonderful because they inhabit more of the bottom of the tank and while the angelfish may be curious about them, they never do more than look. Cories look really neat in a big school of 10 or so.

What size is your tank?? If your two angels turn out to be a breeding pair, they may take up a lot of territory so you need to be careful with this.
I'm the spokesperson for rasbora hetermorphas, I think. I love these fish. An excellent, peacful, and brightly colored schooling fish. If you have the tank size, a school of 5-7 would look lovely.

Also, like others said, almost and breed of tetra will be fine.

Stay away from the barbs, probably not a good idea as they are notorious fin nippers.
I have guppies in with my angel, and he doesn't bother them. Corys are also some of my favorite fish.
i have my angel with 4 black skirt tetras, 3 bloodfin, and 3 lemon... don't even bother with the angel. also, i have a very small endler's and the angel doesn't bother with him either.
Thanks for all the info.

My new tank is a 75 gallon job. I have 5 cories, 2 Yo-Yo Loaches, 1 Clown Loach (will get a couple more when I can find some healthy specimens) and one Angelfish.

Here is a picture:


I am looking for a small shoal of colorful, active fish to inhabit the upper/mid reaches of the tank to soothe the Loaches, which will be the main fish in the tank.

As a side note, I am curious about my cories. I have had them for a couple of months in my 29 gallon tank, and all they seem to do is eat and sleep. I was looking forward to seeing some of the interesting behavior that I have read about, but haven't noticed any yet. Are they all like this, or do I just have a lazy batch? :D

P.S. I am aware of how big Clown Loaches get, and will accomodate them with a larger tank when necessary, so please don't send the Cyber-Posse out after me!.
beautiful tank! I'm not sure about the cories' behavior, but I think some Rummynosed tetras would look awesome in there. That or a school of zebra danios. The danios are more of a comfort to other shy fish than tetras are, IMO.
Thanks for the compliment rubysoho! I just got finished setting it up and added water last night, so I haven't introduced my fish to their new home yet. I will let the filter run for a couple more days then add some Bio-Spira and put them in.

I will look at the LFS to see if they have some Rummynosed Tetras of Zebra Danios, and maybe a couple of Zebra Loaches, though I can't seem to find them anywhere.

Thanks for the kind words everyone!

PK Tester,

The rocks are flagstone, I think.
I went into town to look for some Rummynose, Harlequins or Zebra Danios but came home empty handed. All I found were the Danios at PetCo, and they looked pretty rough. I asked the person at the counter at a small, privately owned fish store, and they will try to get some Rummynose and Danios for me. (I really like the Rummynose Tetras; they are very pretty fish)

I did, however, see a nice looking fish at one of the places. I believe it was a Blue Ram. Would a pair of these (male & female) get along in this tank?
I believe it was a Blue Ram. Would a pair of these (male & female) get along in this tank?
These are lovely fish and some members keep them with angels. The rams will get along with the other fish. Just make sure they can get into the rock structures to hide, if needed.
I was hoping it would be ok! I will have to go back to town this weekend and pick a pair up.

The rocks have caves in them that I set up for my loaches. There is a cave on each end of the tank, and also places to hide in the plants behind the rocks.

Next question: What size should I get? They have some that are between 2 and 3 inches long, and a few that they hatched, which are maybe 1 to 1.5 inches long. The little ones are awfully cute, but are they hearty enough yet to survive the transfer?
Hmmmm. I have both. My little ones are in their own tank and the larger ones went in my 50 gal community. To play it safe, I would get the adults.
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