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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 4, 2004
I just got a Betta Siamese fighting fish, and all I have is a 1 gallon fish bowl(for now, I just got him 2 days ago), and people here said that I should get a bigger tank and I agree. But I don't want to get a tank larger then 5 gallons I know there isn't many sizes between 1 and 5, Could someone help me out?

*What sizes tanks are there that arn't too big.
*What are their prices.
*What size do you recomend for a Betta fish.
*How would I clean it?
*And anything else that I should know.

If you could help me Thank You so much!
Being on of the culprit, here is my contribution:

Arco_Iris said:
I just got a Betta Siamese fighting fish, and all I have is a 1 gallon fish bowl(for now, I just got him 2 days ago), and people here said that I should get a bigger tank and I agree. But I don't want to get a tank larger then 5 gallons I know there isn't many sizes between 1 and 5, Could someone help me out?

*What sizes tanks are there that arn't too big.

5 or 6 gallons

Arco_Iris said:
*What are their prices.
is an excellent example. I personally recommend it. See if shipping+cost is smaller than buying at your LFS. On this page, you can see other examples. The All-Glass 5gal is ok, but I am not for it (not fluorescent bulb, no bio-wheel)

Arco_Iris said:
*What size do you recomend for a Betta fish.

5-6 will work.

Arco_Iris said:
*How would I clean it?

Clean? You mean filter? Or vacuum clean? The eclipse System 6 (see above is a
very good aquarium since it include fluorescent bulb and filter with bio-wheel.

Arco_Iris said:
*And anything else that I should know.

Lots of things. Read on this webpage the articles (see top of browser) and at faq.thekrib.com
In particular, if it is not warm at your place, you may need a heater to keep the water 73-80 deg F.

Good luck
The recommended size for a betta is atleast 5 gallons. You would be able to get away with a 2 gallon, but it would be better if it had a 5 gal atleast.

What are their prices? At Wally World, where I work, we sell 5 gallon setups for between 25 and 35 dollars. You can get a 2 gallon set up for around $15. You can clean them just like any other tank. Buy a mini gravel vaccuum and do it that way.

Anything else you should know? Good job on realizing that the betta won't be happy in a bowl... a lot of people don't ever realize that no matter how many times you tell them! And have fun, bettas are really awesome and personable little fishies and really cool! Read up on their care and learn as much about them as you can and you will keep it around longer! Have fun! :wink:
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