Tap water

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 5, 2013
Im going to do my first 10% water change on my 90ltr marine tank, i no its best to used RO water but my nearest shop is 15miles away :( can i use tap water?
Im going to do my first 10% water change on my 90ltr marine tank, i no its best to used RO water but my nearest shop is 15miles away :( can i use tap water?

I wouldn't use tap water BUT, if you have water conditioner and its an absolute must then I guess ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

Do you have a food store or cvs near you? You can use distilled water. That would be better then straight tap water.
Thats just bottled water isnt it? It would be better i shall use that :) thank you
99%of bottled water is spring water. They contain usually more tds then tap water it will say on the label. Nestle here in canada makes bottled water at 552 ppm. Its the best seller and most popular amoungst water drinkers. Make the drive.. Its worth it
See if there is a water machine at a local grocery store or gas station. In my area, they are everywhere outside the building and usually sell for about 25cents per gallon. They usually have RO water. Depending on when they are serviced, the TDS will change a bit, but I get .003 on my meter, which beats the heck out of my tap water.

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