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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 5, 2004
I think my fish may have TB. Its a female swordtail in a 20 gal w/ other fish. It has a huge hump on its back, folded fins, kinda white slimyness on it, its skinny, and doesnt swim much!!

HELP HELP HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just separated it and put it into a bowl
If you truely think it is tb, you will be forced to put the whole tank under quarantine for at least a year, in order to notice if any of your other fish die from similar deaths. if they don't after a year, then it it relatively safe to add fish, or remove those that you have and expose them to other fish.

Sorry about it though :( , i know how bad tb is...i have lost over 10 fish so far to it..
WELL, does it sound like TB?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
oh sry lol. didnt know u were the creator or the thread... maybe if you get some pics then some other people can help u... ill try to find some pics..

only one i found so far...
It has a huge hump on its back, folded fins, kinda white slimyness on it, its skinny, and doesnt swim much!!

That is symptoms of many conditions. The slimyness could be from a ph crash among other things, the skinnyness could be from a variety of parasites, the hump could be lordosis caused by malnutrition, birth defect, or electrocution. There are other possible causes, and conditions as well besides tb.

The only for sure way to find if it is tb is to take a newly deceased fish to be tested at a lab.
First of all, I dont think theres a problem with my pH.

And second, it isnt suffering from malnutrition. I buy the best brand of food available and supplement my fishes diet with frozen bloodworms and shrimp pellets. It isnt a birth defect either, I have had this fish for months with no problems and I just noticed the problem when I got home from school today. It hasnt been electrocuted.

Also, the fish is still alive.
TB in your tank can be transfered to you! Be very careful & wash your hands thoroughly after touching anything in there. If you can, use long gloves when dealing with your water. If you have even the tinyest cut... beware!!!

See: http://www.emedicine.com/derm/topic281.htm
I don't really think it's TB. A lump on your fishes back can be a number of things. A growth (tumor), a bacterial infection, etc. What does the growth look like? Is it under the skin, or above?

Have you tested your water lately? If so, what are the parameters?

Also, don't keep the swordtail in a bowl, it won't last long in there. You might need to keep it in your tank and treat everyone if you don't have a QT tank.

Let us know.
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