Thanksgiving cleaning

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Feb 21, 2012
Am I the only one trying to clean my tanks at the right time so they look good for people coming to my house for Thanksgiving? Tell me it isn't just me. :)
Well i havent had a nice tank downstairs for any other thanksgiving...but thatnks for the idea! I'dd scape all the algae, and make sure to do a PWC before all the relatives come to town:D
bud29 said:

I need to get cleaning :lol: my relatives are coming and my 29 gallon isn't looking too hot :nono:

Lol! I literally just went all out on the sw tank with an id card, brush, and magfloat. It has never looked better:D
Ha ha .. Screw that! Aside from some algae on the glass by the substrate, what they see is what they get.
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