The 10G Nano By Tank

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 16, 2008
Well I am dipping my nose into a 10G nano reef. Right now as we speak I am taking apart the Freshwater Goldfish Tank with Dwarf Frogs. My Older daughter wanted her own Saltwater Tank in her room I said no at first but then after my 2 gallon Pico that went to :censor:, I was done with the Nano Reef. But after further review and begging and daddy please I gave in and said yes. :p So here I go again hopefully I will have better success with a 10G than a mini Pico tank. Well a Couple questions

1. Can I clean out my 10G and then right after start adding saltwater?
2. I have a Filter this one can I put LR Rubble in it?
3. Anyone know any good hang on back Skimmers?

I will be adding 15LB to 20LBS of LR/ Dry agronite sand I will be putting a order for a new lighting system this one .

If anyone have any suggestions on equipment I should pick up or I am missing anything feel free to post your suggest and comment.... I will be posting pictures from time to time to so my progress.
Enjoy... :p
being as big as ziggy's thread may require several tank disasters. not sure you really want to bring that upon your self. haha
1. Yes just make sure you clean it out real well and i would let it dry and then go ahead and start setting up the tank as SW
2. Yes, i believe you can just make sure it isn't blocking flow out of the unit because this can cause it to overflow.
3. Not that i know of. Most skimmers for nano tanks are garbage. Unfortunately, it seems the best option is to just do lots of water changes unless you wanna buy a really oversized skimmer.
Yeah....I turned a 20 fresh into a 20 salt the same day. Just don't use any chemical cleaners on the inside. On my 10 gal reef (has been great for 1 1/2 years), I use a Hagen Aqua Clear 50. It works great. LR rubble should be no problem if you wanted to put some in there. I don't really like bio wheels for SW all that much...but that's just me. The AC 50 has 3 stage filtration, and since it's made for up to 50 gallons, you get excellent filtration and water flow through it. My water stays crystal clear. I use the same filter on my 20 gal reef, and the 10 stays cleaner longer. The light looks OK. I have used a 24W PC fixture for the 10, and will be upgrading soon to the Current dual satellite 2 X 40W. I think the one you're looking at will be just will be like me and not get a ton of growth from LPS, if you keep them. I would look at the Viper 70W metal halide by Current (I'm thinking about this one too for my 10 instead) can find it for $130.00-150.00. If you can swing it, your corals will love you for it. It's got a 14k bulb which looks great. Get a little Chaetomorpha, and put it in really helped me get mine going in the beginning. But algae chemicals like Algaefix, will disolve the chaeto, and you'll have to replace it(happened to me). Anyway...hope that helps
also...remember a heater.. I use the Marineland vis a therm 50W in my 10...also a digital suction cup thermometer. I'm assuming you already have these from the freshwater tank though. It's ok to use the same heater...I would replace it if it's over a year old though, just to be sure...they're so cheap, and such a vital part of the tank
Great I will discard the Bio wheel I wasn't planning on using the Wheel I just wanted to make sure I can use LR rubble in place if the cartridge that's in there... But cool I will get it going tonight I guess getting a Skimmer would be useless.

well....If you want it to be a Refugium you can do in place of the filter....I would google Aqua Clear refugium should find several instances where people have converted would put LR rubble, and the chaetomorpha in there, as well as some other beneficial organisms. I don't have mine set up like that though. I really like the filtration that it gives me. It has a big foam pad, that you don't really ever replace...just rinse it in the water change water after you do a PWC...carbon that you chg once a month..and porous ceramic cylinders in a bag that are great for the bacteria growth...i again, just wish them around in the WC water every time.
Well I will document my work so be prepared for Pictures/ Won't be alot of work but everyone likes pictures... :)
I agree with what nano says about the lighting, i myself having set up several tanks on a budget, the one thing i regret is not just splurging on the lighting. Its always the same story of, your satisfied with it for like 6 months...and then you get tired of just zoos and mushys. My recommendation would be at least the 2x40 and if you can the 70W MH. I have one over my 3 gallon and it rocks, i have noticed a huge increase in growth in my corals that used to be under T5.

Wouldnt recommend putting sand in the filter though, if you ever jostle it to hard all that sand would just shoot outta there and release all the crap its been collecting.
Wouldnt recommend putting sand in the filter though, if you ever jostle it to hard all that sand would just shoot outta there and release all the crap its been collecting.

I believe nano was talking about the DIY Aqua Clear Fug... :)
Yes...The Fuge. You have to modify it to have a little screen so stuff doesn't come out....maybe rough aragonite would be better. the screen is actually the side of the media cut it and attatch it where the water comes out...I've found a thread where a gut had step by step pictures....can't remember where it wasn't hard to find though. Oh!! it was on a picotope thread. Google Picotope 3 and start going through the different links. They used an Aqua clear 70 for the fuge
That is the link I was looking @. Well I got it up and running last night I will post Pictures later of my Progress.
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