The ten top most beautiful cichlids

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 13, 2011
Now I know everyone has there own opinion but I was wondering what peoples opinion were when it came to getting cichlids what do you like ??
A couple of my favorites in no particular order:

- Amphilophus festae: Red Terror/ True Festae


- Astronotus cf. orbicularis: Bumblebee


-Andopis dovii: Wolf cichlid


-Benthochromis tricoti


-Altolamprologus calvus: Black


-Nimbochromis Fuscotaeniatus

Jack Dempsey, green terror, butterfly peacock and blue discus.
Bumblebee Oscar is my absolute FAVORITE cichlid. They're so cool looking.
kdpuffer said:
Second that lady Alia. Though I do also really like the German blue ram.

Ohh don't get me wrong, there are others I think are absolutely gorgeous, (Skittles, my metriaclima greshakei) but there's nothing like a tank of frontosa, IMO. ;-)
My vote would go to an electric blue jack dempsey. Unfortunately they don't sell them around where i live so I just have to avidly watch craigslist and hope I get lucky haha
kdpuffer said:
Smeezy- check out aquabid, they have all sorts of fish and most likely will save you a dime or two.

I thought about ordering online, the only problem is I'm out at the college alot and I wouldn't want it to show up and bake on my porch while im at school
That would certainly put a damper on things. You may be able to arrange for it to be shipped and delivered while your home though.
D-Smeezy7 said:
My vote would go to an electric blue jack dempsey. Unfortunately they don't sell them around where i live so I just have to avidly watch craigslist and hope I get lucky haha

I agree. Ebjds are awesome. I have one and his colors are beautiful. All around beauties.
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