Think im on my way to being way overstocked.

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The Barb Keeper

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 17, 2012
Lansing Michigan
My tank is 29 g I have 10 barbs 1 zebra loach 2 blue acara 2 tiny catfish forget their names..."suppose to get 5 inches" have another tank for 1 when time comes. 2 tracked Nerite snails. Does this sound horrible?
If it were me, and this would be later as they get older, I would either remove either the cats and loach or the acaras and make a separate tank for them. Seems to me when they get bigger it might get a little cramped.
If it were me, and this would be later as they get older, I would either remove either the cats and loach or the acaras and make a separate tank for them. Seems to me when they get bigger it might get a little cramped.

Sounds like a good suggestion. The acara can reach 6 inches? Usually theres a warning at my pet shop,Did not know that.
Haha I read 150mm and didn't feel like converting it to inches thanks! Like I said I could be wrong, it's just what I would do. I haven't kept barbs or acara or specifically zebra loaches but I do have a clown loach and a polka dot loach(Angelicus botia) and im glad they have plenty of space. It's also said that loaches are shoaling fish so getting 2 more of the smaller body loaches would probably benefit them, but my clown did fine by his self and was very happy (don't forget shoaling is different than schooling). I don't know what kind of space or money your dealing with but personally I think after you let them grow out a little that a loach tank would be super cool
You need to rehome both the Acara, get too big for that tank, 2 males will fight and male/female will go for anything coming near the eggs.
You could try with one to see how it goes, depends on the fish - I've seen really peaceful Acara and Acara that would go for anything that came near it. As much as i think they are stunning fish I wouldn't even try an Acara in my 63g community, I've seen a lot of nasty ones lately, the US stock may be different though.
I think you should either get them another tank for them to be in or find a place to give them away I personally prefer finding them another tank to put them in. Are they boy and girl together?
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