Thinking about getting an Angelfish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 11, 2013
I have a new 29 gallon i am looking to start stocking soon, so i figured as it cycles i should do my research. I believe I'd really like to get an Angel, and a group of schooling fish of sorts. Im looking for advice form an angelfish expert. I only comfortably have room for one, so thats my limit. What should a first timer know before getting there first angel?

low ph -temp 80- tall plants- tank mates , small fast fish no fin nippers, good clean water. angels can be nippy also so watch getting big finned fish. also some angels when by them self's can become aggressive . so keep an eye on it. all fish are different . pm me if i can help more. check my profile and look at my angels
Even if your parameters look perfect. Do not make an angelfish your first fish into the tank. Add the dither/schooling fish first. Angels are quite delicate, and would certainly benefit from an established aquarium.
Thank you for letting me know! Haha this is why I asked, I never would have known to do that! Any other advice? :)
Thank you for letting me know! Haha this is why I asked, I never would have known to do that! Any other advice? :)

My pleasure. Apart from what I and McCoy said, there isn't much else. He did a great job explaining the ideal parameters.
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