Thinking about upgradeing a filter

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 15, 2012
I am thinking up up grading my old penguin filter to a marineland emperor 400 bio wheel but I am not fully sure if its what I want as I have heard they can be noisy. I need something that is quite and easy to run and maintain. Any ideas and input. The tank it going on is a 75 gallon.
Personally indont use hob filters for bigger tank sizes but a lot of the people here really like aqua clear filters. If it was me it would be a canister filter probably a rena or a wet/dry filter
I currently run the emperor 400 on my 55 and I find that it is way too noisy. I'm going to switch over to an aquaclear 110 after Christmas.
My only concern with the canister ones is if the seals go bad wont they dump all the water from your tank into the floor?
My only concern with the canisters is wont they dump all the water from the tank into the floor if the seals go bad on them?
Kat767 said:
My only concern with the canister ones is if the seals go bad wont they dump all the water from your tank into the floor?

Well yea but that can happen with any filter really. On hob filters there is a seal around the pump, but I'm not sure of the chances of that happening. I've had two rena canister filters for years and years ( I think about 9) and I've never replaced them.
I have to agree with whats been said thus far- go for a big aquaclear if you want hob or canister. The emperor 400's (I have 2) are VERY noisy and if something (leaf, some debris, etc) gets sucked up, they sound like a freight train running through your house.... :)
What canisters are good ( brand wise) that are a good price ?
Kat767 said:
What canisters are good ( brand wise) that are a good price ?

The only ones I use are the rena canister filters for a 75 gallon tank is go with the xp3 here are some on sale{keyword}&gclid=CKad45HC6rMCFUZgMgod-l8AcQ
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