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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 22, 2005
OK.. so i lost some fish for reasons that are still obscure and yes it hurt and i cried but i am now ready to add a few new fish. So what type of fish would be a good addition?

i have:

1 Angelfish
3 Tetras (max growth 4cm)
1 Silver shark
1 Rainbow shark
1 Clown Loach
1 ugly spotty sucky thing
2 orange fish with black dots along their body (max growth 4cm)

I absolutely LOVE Cichlids, Angel is a cichlid so are there some types that would thrive in a four foot (50 gallon, thanks defekt;)) tank along with the other fish i have in there??? i realise some are extremely territorial and grow to huge dimensions and they, although i would love to have one, would not do well in the long run because i would eventually lose all my other fish through excessive eating :)

Tips, advice.... i am out to shop on MONDAY :) :) :)
this is the 30 gallon right..
bio-spira on your shopping list after you break down the tank and scrub it??
are you going to heat treat these fish as a precautionary measure?

hows your heater? is it old? does it keep the tank at a good even constant temperature?

did you find out why you were having the problems in the first place so you dont repeat them?
Angels are only aggressive during spawning so no problem there. You have at least a year before they get to the huge dimensions size. Be sure to get juveniles (nickel or dime sized). The orange fish with black dots and upturned mouth? Sounds like platys. Ugly spotty sucky thing? Common pleco.

Platys are livebearer's and prolific breeders so you may want to be sure about their sexes if you're not interested in breeding.

Sharks? I wouldn't mix both rainbows and balas. Tetras should be kept in groups of 4 or more.

Oh, and it would be beneficial if you discovered the obscure reasons for the original fish loss to prevent another occurrence.
Is this tank 50 gallons? If it is...

I would not get one clown loach because they are social and like to be with other clown loaches and even then they can get up to a foot long. But, if you plan to upgrade this tank, to maybe a 75 gal. then you can get 3 small clowns as they are slow growing fish

Take the silver shark out of your plans and either get a rainbow shark or a smaller redtail shark.

I wouldn't get the common plecostamus. Instead search for something smaller in the 4-6 in. range such as a clown pleco.

As Jchillin said if you are not interested in breeding them then you should not get any (unless you can distinguish between male and female).

Here good links to find out more about your fish selection:

And remember, underfeeding is better than overfeeding. :)
Thanks guys :).... it has been nearly a week since the deaths.. i really.. really... want some more fish... :(
Thanks so much for that link blazeherd, an absolute wealth of info on which fish i should get :) although, the two little orange ones with black squares along their body are not there.. i looked everywhere and cannot find them... Everthing i have in my tank now are pretty well ok with each other and i think an electric yellow african cichlid would be a gorgeous addition... but not as soon as monday, i have other things i need to do first with the tank.
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