This may be a silly question...

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 6, 2011
I'm embarking on my first planted tank and I'm having issues!! Firstly, I can't keep my fishies from destroying any of my plants! The only one they leave alone is the sword, and there's my next issue! The sword is taking over my tank! I had to cut some of the stems as they were coming out of the top - will the leaves regrow or will I be left with stalks? (Silly question??). Is there a plant/s that will survive without being ripped apart by my fish? And how do I make cuttings to put into my other tanks? :-/
Might have to move the mollies out. Guppies don't really bother plants. Sword leaves don't regrow if you cut them off, if that is what you are asking. I usually trim them all the way down to the base of the plant.
Thanks for that, is there any way to keep the sword from growing out of the tank? I've only had it in there two months and it's massive already! The fishies love hiding and playing in it, it'd be a shame if it ends up with no leaves :-/
I've been trying to identify it, not sure to be honest. Got it with my first tank before researching properly (now living to regret that!). would a pic help identify it?
Some say that if you keep cutting the leaves that grow to tall that you can keep it managed and the smaller ones will keep growing in and it will fill our more as opposed to it just growing up. Lol growing up!
What's wrong with letting him grow out of the tank? Then you have a houseplant aquarium plant combo.
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