Tiger Oscar with Jack Dempsey?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 11, 2013
I have a 5" jack Dempsey currently and have been looking at a tiger Oscar of the same size. The lady at the shop says its okay to raise them in the same tank. Has anyone else done this or have any advice about it? My Dempsey is currently alone in a 75 gal. Thanks!
I did. Get an oscar smaller than the JD. But i bought my JD 3.5" and the oscar 1.5" the oscar is now 8.5" and the JD is 5" and is a big sissy
Well I took your advice and it worked out perfectly. JD is a bit of a bully at times but not enough to stress out my new albino Oscar!


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Lewisc12 said:
I have a 5" jack Dempsey currently and have been looking at a tiger Oscar of the same size. The lady at the shop says its okay to raise them in the same tank. Has anyone else done this or have any advice about it? My Dempsey is currently alone in a 75 gal. Thanks!

It should work fine as long as you acknowledge that you may have to separate them when they get near full size. I'd get an Oscar that's larger than the JD, since oscars tend to get stressed when kept with fish of similar/larger size and aggression.
The JD is a male and the sex of oscar is unknown, the aggression will start to peak when they reach sexual maturity. The JD will reach this stage earlier than the oscar but the oscar will outgrow him 2:1 so this may work in his favor. Good luck and let us know how it progresses.
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Thanks for all the advice! I woke up this morning to see them resting side by side :) I'll keep you posted!
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