Tips 4 Breeding Cardinal Tetras.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 28, 2007
Well I have bred many fish in my time from Millions of White Cloud Mountain Minnows, Corys of may varietys, Harliquins, Killis, Barbs etc...

Yet I have never had trouble with breeding anything apart from Cardinals!

I have read articles that suggest in order to breed Cardinals the aquarium water must be acidic (pH of 6.0) and very soft (less than 3 dGH). A small or medium-sized tank of about five or ten gallons is heavily shaded and furnished with fine-leaved plants, coarse gravel (1/8" diameter) or pebbles (1/2" diameter).
Spawning usually occurs in the evening and the female will lay up to 500 eggs. Then you promptly remove the parents. The eggs will usually hatch with in 28 hours and the fry will become free-swimming around 4 days later.

Yet despite adhering to the conditions above I have had no success, has anyone on here managed to breed cardinals?
I have never bread cardinals, but had started doing the research like you. I did stumble across this link a while back. It speaks of painting a tank and keeping the eggs in total darkness.

Hope that is of some use.
Cheers sparky im checking the link out now.
I've never bred them but I know they are very sensitive to water conditions. Are you using RO water?
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