TireTrack eel with my afros!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 13, 2011
So I got a tire track eel a couple days ago and I put him with my afros I know they have a lower PH but I let him float then slowly added a cup of water of tank tell the bag was full emptied the bag and filled it up one more time with tank water and let him in he ate and everything both days :) and is vary active
I've had my tire track for 4 years in a 270L/71G tank with a bala shark and bristlenose catfish. Just last week i bought 4 african cichlids for the tank without knowing what they really were. After doing some research about them i thought everything was going to go bad but all my fish seem to be sweet except my smaller electric getting picked on by the other bigger electric yellow. But yea, after i got my new fish i decided it was time to redo my tank and bought a whole new filter system, light, decorations and everything. Fully rearranged the tank and it looks better than ever. Best thing is the cichlids leave my other fish alone lol.
Eels have the benefit of being able to go under your substrate, so if things start to get a little hairy for them they hide.
Yeah he is vary active he is out swimming with the cichlids I hand feed him blood worms he eats brine shrimp and I got him on sinking pellets he seems to be a vary happy camper! I will get some pics soon
Be careful about what you feed. If your mbuna are anything like mine they are getting some of the food intended for the eel. Just trying to prevent bloat.
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