To boil or not to boil??

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 13, 2011
So is there any difference anyone knows of between adding oak leaves straight to the aquarium or boiling them first. I could see the boiling killing off bacterias and things but is there a difference in pH or anything like that?? Thanks :)
Hello. Well I never hard of anyone putting oak leaves in a tank before. boiling them would kill of bacterias but not sure what will happen with the ph level. All I can say is put them in and keep an close eye on the tank for a couple weeks.
Boiling them will extract or at least begin to extract the tannins into the boiling water. That will dilute the end product that you put into your tank. "Raw" leaves will slowly release and provide more stability IMO.
Ok thank you. Thats what I assumed but I just wanted to get a second opinion :)
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