To Dirt or Not to Dirt...

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Okay this gives me a good idea. You'll have to break the tank down, put the fish in a container with a heater and filter (hopefully you have a spare so they can stay in there for a day), put the plants in a container with tank water. Next add your dirt and moisten it well. You just don't want standing water in the dirt that makes it muddy because your cap can too easily mix into it. Also use your hand to compact the dirt well so there are no air pockets. Add your cap next (but save some for touch ups for after planting) then put a bowl/plate on the substrate and very slowly fill the tank 50-75%. You can then plant and finish filling your tank. Get your filter and heater going and wait till the next day. Do a 50% WC and check your ammonia/nitrite/nitrate readings and slowly start acclimating your fish. Alot is going to depend next on if you mineralize your soil or not. If you do you can just watch your readings and go to regular weekly WC's (unless you have any ammonia/nitrite which you shouldn't have). Now if you use the dirt straight from the bag you will have to see how much tannins it leeches for the first week and do WC's accordingly. Some organic soil leeches like crazy and others not much. So if you have too much tannins you might have to do an extra WC or two during the first week. Also start your substrate poking daily. One other thing... if you mineralize the soil start adding your ferts like you always do. If you use soil from the bag then wait two weeks before adding ferts. You also don't need to add root tabs to your swords and crypts for 8 weeks. Lastly be sure to start dosing liquid carbon (Excel) daily starting on day two. Hope this helps.
Thank you guys for all the tips and advice! I think I might use one of those big 30-40 gallon tote / storage containers to keep the fish in with the heater and filter while I do all this to their tank just in case something goes terribly wrong and I cant add the fish right away lol better safe than sorry. When I put water back in my tank I use a siphon from a bucket above the tank so it doesn't mess up the substrate unless its pointed directly at it so I think I should be good in that aspect! I am kind of excited now and have been looking at some plants that I want to order. My tank is a hot mess right now with plants just kind of thrown in there everywhere so I am ready for it to look nice again! :) Thank you guys again I really appreciate all the help and thoughts from everyone!!
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