To Salt or Not to Salt?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 28, 2013
This should be a provocative question? Do you add Aquarium salt to your tanks as a part of general care and routine maintenance with water changes? If so, which fish is it best for? Or which fish should NOT have salt?
The folks at Petsmart recommend it, but the more I read here, the less confidence I have in them. That's one of the reasons I love this forum (and iPad App).

The theory is that Aquarium Salt adds beneficial electrolytes. I have started using Prime as my water conditioner. I believe this product also adds electrolytes. I have been using salt in the past, but may start eliminating by not replacing at water changes.
Definitely don't believe people at Petsmart over people on this forum.

Teenagers at big box generalized retail shop < fishkeeping experts
Definitely don't believe people at Petsmart over people on this forum.

Teenagers at big box generalized retail shop < fishkeeping experts

You seem quite knowledgable about all things fish related. What's your opinion on salt?
Thank you! I can't honestly say I know much about salt though. But to regurgitate what I recall seeing others say about it:

* Always good if you have mollies
* Good when you're trying to fight off infections or disease (agree with scotty)
* Unnecessary with no livebearers (unless fighting aforementioned disease)

I'd wait for a few more replies though rather than trusting what I say about it, but this is what I see passed around most often.

Some fish don't tolerate salt very well. I can't quite recall what ones, though. I know cardinal tetras are on the list, though.

I'm so sorry, I can't remember if in that thread about the ammonia you said what fish you have. Refresh my memory :)
6 Platys and 11 Tetras (3 Black Skirt, 3 White Skirt, 3 Lamp Eye, 2 Blood Fin). They all seem to be doing fine. Am just wondering if I should continue with salt or not.
OK I went on a little research tangent, and am even going to edit my prior response. I only see evidence for mollies, nothing for platies or guppies (to be more honest I DO see a few articles +salt for platies but I see more articles claiming that it has been disproven that it benefits any livebearer except mollies)
It's all kind of hearsay as I don't see any actual scientific articles.
But I'm going to go with... don't bother. I don't think most people bother with platies. I've only heard it commonly with mollies.

I would still wait for other responses on this to be certain, only because I'm so unfamiliar with livebearers. But I really don't think most people use salt on a standard basis.
Oh! One thing I do remember that is definitely true is plants REALLY don't like salt, not one bit
Oh! One thing I do remember that is definitely true is plants REALLY don't like salt, not one bit

Not a problem there. They're plastic in my tank! Haven't yet made the move to real plants. Someday...
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