Aquarium Advice Addict
This is a standard glass 60g that I am setting up for my oldest son (13th b-day present). The initial plan is to run it with a CPR Bak-Pak hang-on skimmer and run a 35g acrylic QT/Holding tank underneath for about a year and then convert that into a sump/refugium. The QT will be four all four tanks we currently run until most are relatively full. It is already drilled and plugged, so hopefully an easy conversion when the time comes.
I just scored a barely used 4' WavePoint HO T5 (4 bulbs) for $39. Massive overkill for a FOWLR, but I could not pass on the deal and he wants a clown pair with a Nem or two down the road, so this should work.
His eventual stock list includes:
- Flame Angel
- Blue Spot Puffer
- Snowflake Eel
- Marine Betta
- pair of clowns
I'm sure we will get another fish or two but not sure at this point what those will be.
I'm hoping to get sand and rock in two weeks, so will update then...

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I just scored a barely used 4' WavePoint HO T5 (4 bulbs) for $39. Massive overkill for a FOWLR, but I could not pass on the deal and he wants a clown pair with a Nem or two down the road, so this should work.
His eventual stock list includes:
- Flame Angel
- Blue Spot Puffer
- Snowflake Eel
- Marine Betta
- pair of clowns
I'm sure we will get another fish or two but not sure at this point what those will be.
I'm hoping to get sand and rock in two weeks, so will update then...

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