Too many copepods?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 15, 2011
Have a ton of copepods and amphipods. I have so many I can see them on everything, lights on or off. They are crawling all over my zoo polyps all day and night. The polyps have been closed for a while, but I know they sometimes close for a few days and then reopen. It has been over 3 weeks and they haven't opened yet. The closed polyps look very healthily though. Could the copepods be the problem?
copepods are a good thing its a sign of a healthy tank
I wouldn't worry about them they will all go hide in ur rock and sand for awhile then come back its all part of the tank life
You'll see spikes every once in while with pods, happens every few weeks in my 125g. Some days theres a zillion some days just a few. But if you really really look at your live rock you'll see bunches...
I didn't add them, I guess they came on the live rock and corals and just multiplied. But I'm thinking of getting a mandarin dragonet to keep them under control. Is that a good idea, and what are other fish that eat them?
I wouldnt get a mandarin just to get rid of pods. Unless of course you;ve always wanted a mandarin. :)

Most fish will eat them. You might be going through a pod explosion, it happens from time to time. Then the colony stabilizes and you have less.
Just make sure its a constant thing having the a zillion pods cause a mandarin will eat through through hundred if not a thousand pods a day. Mine literally hunts for pods 24/7. Thats all they do.
I dont think zooa wouldnt open because pf pods. I have them crawling all over all ,my corals and they are all just fine and open.
I'm not sure. But I ran out of my nitrate kit and I'm not 100% sure where my nitrates are so I did a 35% water change to see if that helps.
if your corals are closing up for an unknown reason the first thing you need to do is a water change so your on the right track
I moved the zoo rock from half way up to the bottom of the tank also. Maybe too much light for them. (96w T5)
Ikeep my zzoas mosre towards the bottom and if they are on top they are under a brace of the tank. Sometimes zooas just close up though, it happens.....How long have they been closed up? Do they open under the blues only maybe?
They have been closed up for a few weeks. When I moved them to the bottom I noticed some of the polyps are gone. I'm not sure what's going on but I hope this doesn't happen to the rest of my polyps.
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