Too many water changes?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 27, 2011
Anyone ever hear 15% water change every week might not be that good for your tank? Well thats what ive been doing for quite some time, im going to ask the lfs guy to clarify his reasoning maybe its because my nitrates are usually 0.anybody thoughts??
I've been doing 20% every week for over 20 yrs. IMO there is no such thing as too many water changes or doing them too often.
Thats kinda what i thought,im just gonna ask what he meant.thanks
Last water change i did, i found myself actually heating the water in my buckets with a heat gun,both my heaters in dt and sump was thinking maybe alternating buckets with a heating pad or something???wife thinks ive lost my mind
Mudzie said:
Thats kinda what i thought,im just gonna ask what he meant.thanks
Last water change i did, i found myself actually heating the water in my buckets with a heat gun,both my heaters in dt and sump was thinking maybe alternating buckets with a heating pad or something???wife thinks ive lost my mind

Lol. Using a heat gun, huh? I guess that'll work but why not drop ur powerheaf in, fill ur sink up with Scolding hot water and let it sit for about 10 min. I check the temp every 2-3 min. Heats my water to temp in no time. And it's a **** load safer/easier then using a heat gun. I wud b nervous about heating the plastic too much.
Thats a good idea,i have a big plastic spoin i kept stirin but took bout 15 min per 5gal.thanks ill try the sink trick. Im an early riser so im usually doin water changes about 5:30am then my wife never knows what things looked like lol.
If your letting your salt mix for 24 hrs it should be room temp. Probably somewhere 68-72 degrees. Assuming your tank is 77-79 and its only a 15% water change I see no reason you need to heat the water to tank temp. It’s a small amount in the scheme of things. I have been changing 15% at room temp for over a year with all types of coral and fish and have had no problems. Tank temps can swing more than you would think during the day from lighting alone. I believe I have seen some change as much as 7-10 degrees throughout the day.
Well the reason i started to heat the saltwater was because of a kole tang placed in tank little over a week ago that has a little ich, treating with metro/focus and trying to keep temp around 81 so far so good and little guy is really skiddish but eats like a pig,been overfeeding right now i know but plan to get back to regular feedings soon as its better. just tryin everything to keep stress down.
Unfortunately a higher temp does nothing for saltwater ich, it's only valid when dealing with freshwater. :-(
I realize it wont kill or cure an ich problem, but theres a whole lot of websites that state that higher temps of 82 deg will speed up the life cycle of saltwater ich?
Correct, it will speed it up. So instead of taking 3 days for the cysts to hatch they might hatch in 2 days, which means a heavy infestation can happen faster than under normal water temps.
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