Too much light??

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 6, 2008
Im still having algae issues when EI dosing and i think I might have found the problem?

I have a 15 gallon tank with 2x24 watt T5 HO 6700K tubes.

I read that T5 give 135% lumen output compared with t12 which is what the "WPG" rules were based on

With this im getting 2x24 x 1.35 = 64.8W divide by 15 gallons is 4.32 wpg.

This is considered high light and my lights are on for 9 hours a day. I am over dosing seachem ferts daily but my co2 is diy and fluctuates from 25-40ppm.

Is my co2 the thing causing the inbalance and not providing enough for my high light levels. In turn leading to my GSA and hair algae growth? My nutrients ( kno3, p04 etc) are all overdosed so im ruling those out?

Is it worth taking a tube out and running just 1 24 watt T5? or will this be too low light?
How is CO2 delivered? In something that catches in a bubble? Make sure CO2 does not go into filter. This will kill your good bacteria causing algae blooms.
Does CO2 turn off at night? Plants only use during day light. Lights are very strong but I had HQI 150w on a 30 gallon planted tank and had no algae. It might be the spectrum. Maybe you could change to a grow light for indoor house plants.
DIY co2 so no it maintains PH at 7.2 24 hours a day give or take co2 respiration at night by plants.

6700K is the ideal spectrum for plants so no need to change that.
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