Top off water, heated or not?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 20, 2012
Sewell, NJ
I know that if I just grab a gallon of it and dump it in the tank all at once, it needs to be heated, BUT...

...what about when using an ATO that adds only a little at a time? Does the ATO reservoir still need to be heated, or can it be at room temp?
My ATO is at room temp also. Usually there is only a few degrees difference between my room temp and tank temp though.
I think it would make more temperature fluctuations for a ATO reservoir sitting in a cold room, and it hooked up with a tiny nano tank.

Use your best judgement, or trial and error prior to getting corals.
I keep a pitcher of RODI in the kitchen at room temp..... I usually add a cup or two daily to my 28. That little bit is going to blend in quickly, and won't make a big difference..... a drip ATO definitely won't need to be heated.
I add about 6-8 cups of ro water a day in a 36gallon tank. I just have a bucket of water sitting in the room. No temp about 72 tank temp 78-79. Never had any problems
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