torn fins???treatable???

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 16, 2004
well to make a long story short my g/f bought a 44gal corner tank from my mother...the tank was stocked and all the fish where kept..i helped her move the tank to her house and it all when well, we didnt lose 1 fish (15 total)... my question is: today i noticed that most of the fish seem to have torn fins..i dont think this is a result of this an illness and how can i treat it if so
Melafix is a good med for repairing damaged or torn fins. But it would be nice to find out the cause first, so you know what you're medicating for. Good luck!
We really need to know what type of fish are in the tank in order to help more.

Melafix is usually good for torn fins.
I've read on other posts that Melafix shouldn't be used with bettas, tho. So if you've got a betta you'll need to move it or try something else. Sorry I can't suggest other methods, I haven't had the torn fin problem yet.
no bettas... some large tetras, silver dollars, some long looking shark/minnow looking fish, placo, corry, and some silver fish that look like silver dollars but have a blue shine to the top of them...none seem aggressive and i didnt notice them having torn fins in the past till now...just did water chang during the move and tank is crystal clear and added lots of stress coat during the move
If you have a shark I would bet he/she caused the problems. Alot of times fish will be rather peaceful until stressed and a move probably caused one or more of them to act out (likely the shark). It looks like you should be safe using some melafix which will usually repair torn fins pretty quickly.

And yes, never use melafix with bettas

Let us know if you see any new fin nipping or torn fins

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