transporting aquariums

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 5, 2002
Northern Va
I'm pretty sure that I saw a thread on this once before, but I could't remember where it was, so I'm gonna ask again. I'm planning on moving my aquarium from it's current home, to a new one about 30-40 minutes away...... how might I go about doing this?
I would remove all the fish from the tank and put them in smaller containers. Then you'll want to keep some of the water, so put some in 1 to 5 gallon containers, this will preserve your biological filter. Then remove enough water so that you can lift the tank without too much effort.

Once at the new location put in the original water and then top off with clean water and ensure you keep the water close to the same temperature as the water your fish are currently in so that you can simply place them in the tank without having to wait for the temperature in the tank to get to the same temp as where your fish are. You don't want to keep them in small containers any longer than you have to.

I hope this helps.
:D Thanks a lot for the tips guys. :) I really appriciate it. I absolutly adore my fish, and I would be insane if weren't able to move them. Thanks again.. :)

I originally posted the thread about moving aquariums.
I've also heard that if all else fails, fill up some aquarium shop type bags and transport them in the normal way you would back from the shop.

Obviously remembering to add the necessaries after, stress treatment, etc etc. :)
This may sound a bit off, but I've moved my 15 and my 20 several times. All I've done is take out as much water as I can, leaving about 2" above the gravel. Then I take out filters, heaters etc, and have a friend help me lift it into the car. I usually put it in the front seat so I can keep an eye on it. And off I go, the farthest I've taken it is about 1 hour. I've never lost any livestock this way, the tank gets real messy but once you get it set back up it clears in a few hours. This way also gives your gravel a good stirring and cleaning. Keep in mind though that these are smaller tanks and I keep pretty hearty species.
woop woop

Alright guys.. we're planning on the move for Saturday afternoon... I'll be taking pictures of the tank once I get it to it's new home. It's 30Gal hexagonal with a whisper power filter. I have a pretty good mix of fish, my favorites being my h-line cat, my green needlenose gar, and my black knife fish. I always feel horrible picking favorites in the tank because I love them all so much - but these three guys really have amazing personality. ANYWAY...... enough rambling.. wish me luck on the move, and I'll be sure to get the pics up asap. :)

Much Love
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