Treating fin rot/columnaris

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 10, 2014
My roseline barbs (aka denison barbs) seem to have a case of fin rot. After what seems like an eternity of treating columnaris in one of my 90 gallon displays, I fear it has come back :( How do I know if their fins are rotting just because they are new, as opposed to them somehow having been exposed to a strain of columnaris? In a DIFFERENT 90 galling tank a small danio has a classic columnaris "saddleback" lesion. I removed him to QT and no no other fish show symptoms so far. The barbs and the danio are in different tanks. I can't catch the barbs as of yet....and anyway, do I just need to treat all of the main tanks (and of course the QT) now to prevent a mass casualty like I had before?!?! dreading this....

I will note that water quality in all tanks is optimal: 0 amm, 0 nitrite, about 20 nitrate. Medium hardness, and pH 7.4 across all tanks. I also have separate equipment, food, nets, (you NAME it) for these tanks, and I wash with antibacterial soap between handling of gear. So how they all could have this is beyond me. I added new fish a while back after QT, but so far they look ok. All tanks are also heavily planted and all have at least one type of scaleless fish. If I do a half dose of meds tomorrow (thinking Maracyn Plus if I treat), do I just dose longer?

I totally feel like a broken record with another post like this....its been a rough year with these guys....also I really appreciate everyone's willingness to help with situations like these! Thanks in advance!:bang head: :thanks:
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Here Is a picture of one of the fins. It was taken this afternoon and already looks more torn...

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Well I am medicating them now. Maracyn Plus. If anyone catches this thread, I am doing a half dose because of the scaleless eels in this tank.

They seem fine with this amount,
So should I up the dose to full? Or do I just treat with half and just double the amount of time I treat (6 doses instead of 3)?

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