Can someone help me out please? I have a small bowl that is the home to my betta fish. He recently got a small white spot on the top of his head which i am assuming is ick. I changed the water in his bowl every few weeks yet he still got it. Not i have him in another bowl, i have been adding one very small nugget of Ick Clear to his bowl once a day. The pet store told me i should be changing his water every day So i have been doing that as well so basically i have been changing his water at night, putting in a nugget before bed. and changing the water the next night again. But the spot isn't going away and he isn't eating either the pellets or the blood worms? The Pet store said this ick clear was the best we could get to cure it and thats what they use. Any advice on how i can help this little guy it worries me especially since he isn't eating either. he hasn't eaten for 4 days now. is he dying is that why he isn't eating? Any help please?? A little about his normal bowl it is the size of a regular gold fish bowl, has rocks and a plastic tree in it with a LED light on top. Could this led light have caused the white spot? We were thinking about getting him a 2 gallon tank but is that over kill? I keep reading betta's like smaller tanks?
Thanks for the help!
Thanks for the help!