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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 4, 2012
Picked up a Niger trigger today. The fish is around 4 inches long. The trigger seems to enjoy his new home but he has been swimming around in all the caves. I thought they were more open water swimmers but it could be where I just got him today. This is my first trigger.

Any info on what's going on
Well if you just picked him up, chances are he's scared. After all wouldn't you be too if you were suddenly captured from your home without a warning and taken to an area you've never been to? After a couple days he should be out and about.
My Picasso trigger glued himself to my rock when first introduced. Now he rules the tank! It'll be fine once he gets used to the new surroundings.
My niger still is in and out of the rocks all day after 8 months. Until u go near the tank then str8 to the top to beg. He will b fine. Good luck

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