Trimming plants

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 7, 2011
Ive never done the live plants before, so I was just curious how you keep them trimmed. I imagine with something as simple as anacharis, you can just trim the tips off and youll be fine...

But what about wistera? Java fern? Anubias?

Not much different than stem plants - you just trim entire leaves off of those plants.
Talvari said:
Ive never done the live plants before, so I was just curious how you keep them trimmed. I imagine with something as simple as anacharis, you can just trim the tips off and youll be fine...

But what about wistera? Java fern? Anubias?


Anubias you can just cut the rhizone in half to make it smaller, java fern you can take off old leaves if you want or baby plants grow on the end of the older leaves
Don't bother trimming wisteria, it'll get all gnarled and rooty. IME/IMO, cut the wisteria about 2-6 inches from the top (depending on what you want/what it looks like) and replant that, and chuck the bottom. That's what I do to keep my bush looking nice.
aqua_chem said:
Don't bother trimming wisteria, it'll get all gnarled and rooty. IME/IMO, cut the wisteria about 2-6 inches from the top (depending on what you want/what it looks like) and replant that, and chuck the bottom. That's what I do to keep my bush looking nice.

That is brilliant!
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