trouble in crayfish land

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 14, 2007
So, I had two crayfish (male and female) who coexisted very peacefully and even had a successful mating which resulted in about 20 very healthy looking baby crayfish (now about 1/2 an inch long each). However, shortly after the female's last molt, the male decided to mate with her again...and again and again and again. In the process she lost one claw and had several legs broken. I was freaked out by this so I made a fence/divider out of chopsticks hotglued together and put it in the tank. Despite having made the fence really solidly the male managed to squeeze through the tiny spaces between the chopsticks and killed her in the night. I guess my point of posting this is to ask for suggestions on what I could do with this cool little fence thing? It's ten inches across (the width of my tank) and probably the same height.
Sounds like you don't need the chopstick fence anymore. I'd take it out as the glue you used could be toxic to the Crayfish and anything else in the tank.
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