Two more IDs please.

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 13, 2011
Atlanta GA
The first picture is of a coral I bought yesterday. The LFS told me the name but I asked so many other questions it pushed that right out of my head. :) Ok, so there isn't a lot room in there.

The second is something I spotted just a minute ago that I have never seen before. Any ideas? Good or Bad?

i would say the first pic looks like star polyps but i thought they always had a purple mat so thats confusing me lol
Thanks Hack. I am also uploading a better picture of the other hoochymoggle. :) Seems like I have seen a picture of something like that before but I got no idea.
Theyre just filter feeders. The only way I know is to super glue them shut to kill them if you don't like the way they look. I just don't have tht much patience to get rid of them all.. Or super glue for that matter. Haha
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