Uncycled tank

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ashleynicole said:
As the aquarium goes through the cycle, it is not unusual for the water to become cloudy, or at least a little hazy as bacterial colonies establish that are able to clear wastes from the water. Over time that cloudiness will resolve itself.

My guess is that some of your bacteria died off and now the colonies are growing again.

How do I clear this problem ?
jetajockey said:
I'd just let it run its course, they usually resolve themselves as the tank becomes established.

Awesome thanks hopefully it's finished cycling soon this is so dreadful!
The water is all cleared up ! The ph is still at 6.0 after adding two teaspoons of crushed coral last night ! I added two more teaspoons just now :thinking: how long does the crushed coral take to work?
Tank results for today . . .
Ph- 6.0
Ammonia- 4.0 ppm
Nitrite- 0 ppm
Nitrate- 40 ppm

Added more crushed coral to help rise and stabilize the ph . . . My question is where are the nitrite ?!?!?! What's happening ?
Yay for nitrates!!! I agree with Jeta, hopefully once the ph is stablized, things will progress quickly! Keep us posted!
The ph is still at 6.0 what do I do!?! Keep adding crushed coral ?
I would do another wc to bring the ph back up & add more cr coral to keep it from dropping again. It will be trial & error to figure out the right amount to prevent drops- try doubling the amount, if it drops again tommorrow then do another wc & triple the amount, etc until it stabilizes. It may take a few days to figure out the right amount! :)
jlk said:
I would do another wc to bring the ph back up & add more cr coral to keep it from dropping again. It will be trial & error to figure out the right amount to prevent drops- try doubling the amount, if it drops again tommorrow then do another wc & triple the amount, etc until it stabilizes. It may take a few days to figure out the right amount! :)

So the crushed coral won't rise the ph ? It will just stabilize the ph at that specific level?
Yes, it can (and usually does) raise the ph! The object here is to find the amount that will stablize your ph at what your tap reads & prevent crashes without raising it. You will have to walk a fine line here to get this balance-as i said, it will be trial & error to get the right amount to keep your ph from crashing. Thats why its easier to add a bit everyday after a water change & retest the next day to see how amount worked for you because there isnt a magic number/amount for everyone to use because everyones water chemistry is different.
jlk said:
Yes, it can (and usually does) raise the ph! The object here is to find the amount that will stablize your ph at what your tap reads & prevent crashes without raising it. You will have to walk a fine line here to get this balance-as i said, it will be trial & error to get the right amount to keep your ph from crashing. Thats why its easier to add a bit everyday after a water change & retest the next day to see how amount worked for you because there isnt a magic number/amount for everyone to use because everyones water chemistry is different.

I added two teaspoons in a mesh bag in the filter no change at all so I triple the amount and hung the new bag over the tank on the glass hopefully this work will check the ph tomorrow again !
The ph was still at 6.0 when I just tested it ! I did a 50% water change and added more crushed coral . . . Why am I having such a ph problem ? The ammonia was at 2.0 ppm nitrite at 0 ppm and the nitrate at 40 ppm I am testing the water again now after the 50% water change
Ph now at 7.6 after the water change hopefully it does NOT drop back down to 6.0 now ! And I dosed the ammonia back up to 4.0 ppm . . .
Any ideas or anything ?!?!
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