Unsure about tank

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 28, 2011
San antonio, texas
So my family was going to try and sell the house so I had to sell my albino corn snake. The buyer only took the snake and left the stand and tank. Soon after my parents decided to not move and now all I have is an empty tank. The dimensions are close to a 40 gallon breeder but off by some inches in places. I would like to turn it into a fish tank but my parents say-
1: it might be too heavy ( i live in the second story)
2: the aquarium walls might be too weak and break or leak right away or over a long period of time because my dad doesn't remember if it was a reptile or a fish tank

Will it be too heavy and is there a difference between reptile and fish tanks?
Reptile tanks are made with thinner glass and less bracing. They aren't meant to hold in water, so they are not as strong as tanks made for fish. Is there a brace on the top of the tank rim? If there is and you don't mind the possibility of wrecking the tank, fill it up on a back porch or something else stable, level, and outside. Or maybe in the garage away from anything that could be damaged, and let it sit for a few days or a couple weeks to check for leaks. If the glass starts to bow outward, empty it immediately! I would only recommend trying this if it has a center brace, I'm pretty sure most tanks over around 30 gallons usually have a brace if they are made for fish.
Stingray68 said:
What about the weight will the floor hold?

The floor will hold no problem place tank across floor joists if your still iffy

Ps they make big tanks with no brace I won't buy a tank with a brace I have a 66, 80, and 120 with no brace
Thank you Ryan and Alyxx y'all really helped and I think I have enough to satisfy my parents if I have any more questions I will defiantly ask! Once again thank you!!!

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