Unsure of what fish to put in my new 29gal, help?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 11, 2013
I purchased a 29 gallon tank today, got an appropriate filter, heater, the whole deal. One of my friends gave me her old filter cartage so I could put fish in today. I have a single guppy and a rather large albino bristle nosed pleco, and three mystery snails right now. I am planning on waiting for my tank to cycle more before I really stock more fish in it. But im excited, so im looking for ideas. What would be appropriate for a tank this size? My only other tank is a 4 gallon, so im not used to having all this room for different fish species. C:
Congrats on the new tank!! I got another 29 recently myself.

With yours I'd add a few more guppies to the mix. While they aren't schooling fish they do prefer to have company.

I think it'd be awesome if you did a planted tank with a pair of apistos like agassi's or GBR's and a couple different schools of tetras, like neons and rummy nose and a schoal of cories as well. That's what I'd like to so with mine eventually.
One Word, Platys : ) seriously look into them, they are a good looking fish, with good colors, they are fairly peaceful as long as u keep a 1:3 male/female ratio(just learned that lesson) and they will eat algea : ), just a suggestion but im new to all this as well, i have a 29 gallon tank aswell and my platys seem very happy and they have done wonders for keeping the tank tidy
Don't make the mistake I made, I got two groups of large sized tetras and almost stocked my tank, to give you an idea, this is what I'm doing
Schooling fish 1- glow light tetras
Top schooling fish- harlequin rasboras
Centerpiece- dwarf gourami
Co centerpiece velvet wag swordtail
"Side" fish, oto cats
Bittom feeders- kuhli loaches
Bn pleco
Bolivian ram
Centerpiece bottom fish- spotted Raphael catfish
It might sound like a lot, but see, the tetras are on the small side, and I picked fish that will be at all levels, top, middle, bottom, even sides lol so that your tank won't seem so empty
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