UPDATE*** 1 baby mollie!!!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 18, 2007
Houston, TX
So, we have one lil baby...all that survived out of the ~10 that we had in the beginning. He's fairly lethargic still, and its been about 8 hours since. Any idea what to feed him? He's in a 29g tank inside a breeder tank. Water perameters, up to this point, we had been fighting a tank cycle, with ammonia spiking up to 5ppm, and nitrite reaching off the chart. We have since corrected everything, and nitrites are down to 0ppm.

He is still alive, but rests on the bottom more than swimming around, and does not eat. Is this normal, if not, what can be done?

Thanks in advance,

Well crushed flake food will be fine. Adding a bit of salt to the water depending on what other tankmates you have might help him.

He seems to be doing fine, diet is crushed flake food, approximately half a flake every other day and a freeze dried blood worm crushed up on non flake days. He's getting to be about a half inch long now, and a very nice black color. What is a good size to let him get to before releasing him to the community tank? Our tank has a salt dish with the right dose per 10 gallons in it, with gravel on top, pwc will be late in the week, possibly thursday or friday. The community seems to be doing great, everyone getting along just fine.

Thanks for all the help

i have 6 week old platys and when i introduced them into a tank with 1 phantom tetra, he killed them all. I would say once he gets to an inch, he'll be fine.

Also if you want to speed growth, do daily 50% water changes as ammonia stunts growth. Also feed lightly 3x a day.

In my fry tank, i had 26 or so platys. I would feed crushed flakes 1x a day, daphnia 1x a day, and first bites (a fry food u can get at the store) 1x a day. Also if you bring your tank up to 80 degrees, it will speed metabolism. I got some Red Cherry Shrimp and Mystery Snails to get the clean up crew to eat the extra food my fry cant consume.
seeing that any fish babies have a tiny mouth hole, why dont u try to give him fresh living or dried tubifex worms sice flakes would cloud ur water faster ??? it worked on my black molly babies, and none have died so far, they're fat n chubby 13 little angels^^ n I think 1" is the size best to move them from ur breeding tank.

if ur fry is only 0.25" long, then it's normal just to stay down at the bottom of ur tank, but if it's already half inch, then is a bit awkward dont u think ??? mine's always swimming around looking for food.

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