Update of Beengirl's 55g reef

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A little update On tHe reef tank:
My new wrasse is out and a pair swimming a lot more, and he's kinda buddy with the six line. The new wrasse still sleeps in a cave the bottom of the tank, which is also where the pompom crab stays. And all of this is good. :)

The pink condy is doing great, sitting on top of the rock in the front of tank. She sits just a few inches from the GBTA, which seems to be doing fine. Today added 2 small green chromis. We
had 3, but 1 disappeared. After that, one Sam around fine, but the other bid a lot. After we added the two today, within 15 minutes they were all swimming closely together. :) had to rearrange some zoas that I think were getting too much light. Seem happier now. Oh, and my yellow ricordea seems to have left a little baby next to him. :) Ill get pics later today!
I cannot get an even halfway decent pic of the wrasse-that guy is WAY too fast!! Haha

But here's a pic of the ric that left a baby on the plug- it's the yellow one in the left.


Here's a pic of my two anemones- and my cleaner shrimp wanted in the pic too. :)

And my frogspawn


Ill keep trying to get a pic of the wrasse.

Thanks for looking!!
I cannot get an even halfway decent pic of the wrasse-that guy is WAY too fast!! Haha

But here's a pic of the ric that left a baby on the plug- it's the yellow one in the left.

Here's a pic of my two anemones- and my cleaner shrimp wanted in the pic too. :)

And my frogspawn

Ill keep trying to get a pic of the wrasse.

Thanks for looking!!

Looks awesome!! Exciting that your ricordia split!!
This is the best pic I can get of the wrasse. Still not good, but he's such a fast little bugger! Lol

I'm just kidding with you Dino!! I appreciate any comments you have. :)


And I'm very happy the ric split!! Looks like my orange one might split too- it has 2 mouths now and looks to be "folding" between the two mouths. :)
This is the best pic I can get of the wrasse. Still not good, but he's such a fast little bugger! Lol

I'm just kidding with you Dino!! I appreciate any comments you have. :)

And I'm very happy the ric split!! Looks like my orange one might split too- it has 2 mouths now and looks to be "folding" between the two mouths. :)

I know ya are! :)

Tank is looking great and corals look very happy. I think that's best pic your ever gonna get if that wrasse unless you have a camera that has that "sport" mode. It just keeps shooting like 100 shots per second!! The iPhone has an app similar. The boys told me about it. It's pretty sweet!
I know ya are! :)

Tank is looking great and corals look very happy. I think that's best pic your ever gonna get if that wrasse unless you have a camera that has that "sport" mode. It just keeps shooting like 100 shots per second!! The iPhone has an app similar. The boys told me about it. It's pretty sweet!

Yeah, there's an iPhone app called Fast Camera. That's what I used. It takes pics super fast, but the fish is still faster! Haha
I'm taking the kids out of town for 3 days. This is the first time I'm leaving my tanks with my hubby. I won't lie- I'm nervous. My brain day "how much damage an he really do in 3 days?" That's logical, but then the panic sets in and I picture dead fish and algae everywhere and my nems upside down and corals all dead. I'm gonna be calling, not to see how he is, but to see what he's done with the tank!! Haha
I'd pre-pack the food amount and only tell him to feed once a day. After that, don't sweat it and enjoy your time with the kids! ^_^
I'm taking the kids out of town for 3 days. This is the first time I'm leaving my tanks with my hubby. I won't lie- I'm nervous. My brain day "how much damage an he really do in 3 days?" That's logical, but then the panic sets in and I picture dead fish and algae everywhere and my nems upside down and corals all dead. I'm gonna be calling, not to see how he is, but to see what he's done with the tank!! Haha

I left my tank for a month with my husband. He facetimed me every day and showed me the tank and fed them during the video calls too. I was so nervous! Everything was fine though!
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