Update on my tank (results)

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 12, 2005
Canada Ont, Owen Sound
Thanks to everyone I have updated my tank and added more lighting for thos of you that were following all my posts lol I now have 90 watts of lighting in my 55 gal a DIY co2 into a 16 oz bottle top diffuser that still needs a bit of work and just bought some ferts today, here are the test results I am still lacking a couple of test kits I need to buy but let me here what you think of my results so far for my sparsly planted tank :)

Ammonia 0.0
Nitrate 10.0 mg p/litre
Nitrite 0.1 mg p/litre
Kh 90
Gh 150
Ph 7.3

Again thnks to all the people that have helped
You still have Nitrite, but other then that it looks ok to me, but heck if I know :)
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