Updates on my tanks

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 30, 2009
Well been awhile, i swapped everyones tanks oscar is now in the 70g and seems very happy my cichlids are now in the 50g and the 40g is the community tank also got a 25g downstairs with swordtail fry in it. Sadly in the cichlid tank during the switch i lost one yellow lab (RIP). Went to petsmart yesterday and looked into their misc african tank to see something amazing. a peacock in the tank of mbuna well, he wasent in there long :D came home to find out he is a Masons Peacock he is a little bit bigger then the yellow lab and cobalt blue but they get along great.


Oscars new home.

The big boy himself

Cichlids new home

Yellow lab

Cobalt blue zebra

New Masons peacock

Yellow lab and Masons peacock
Cobalt blue and Masons peacock

Last but not least the community tank

sorry no close ups of the livebearers or fry
possibly have some soon
nice improvement... definately getting better :) out of curiosity what substrate do you have with your cichlids? i had pea gravel up until last night, and i splurged a whole $6 on a 50lb bag of pool filter sand and they absolutely love it... you might want to consider that in the future.. not only do they like it better, but i like it much better too... looks so natural... but this is a definate improvement over your last pics :)
i think spoonman secretly works for a pool supply company because he promotes pfs like he owns it lol... he convinced me... and to be honest, i doubt ill ever use gravel again :)
I was just so happy with the change in my tank that I knew others would be too. It is a great change. It just wont work if you want to use an Undergravel filter. And you have to keep your HOB intakes a little further up from it to keep from getting it in your impellers.
its 1m sand all the fish love digging in it, no where around me had pool filter sand when i looked. cant afford to change

Masons peacock
Good update. I love seeing an oscar in an appropriately sized tank. Great job! :grin:
i like to think its a peacock cause if its a electric blue then i cant add anything else and my whole plan is gone
k seeing as im stuck with what it is i am sticking to just putting in more labs

let me know some more i can put in please
The person that had that fish before me had convicts, firemouth, ghost knife and a couple redtail sharks and they all seemed to get along. Oh, and also a couple really big silver dollars. By really big I mean 5 or 6 inches from top to bottom.
i want color so im not sure i might get 2-3 more labs

silver dollars/piranha are for the new tank
new to the tank is 1 yellow lab and 2 sunshine peacocks making the current stock...

2 yellow labs
2 sunshine peacocks
1 cobalt blue zebra
1 electric blue
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