Upgrading tank - filtration questions

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 24, 2010
I'm upgrading from a 20g tank to a 72g. I've been using 1 Fluval 205 for my 20g and like it very much. So, I'm wondering if 2 Fluval 205's (I already have them) would provide adequate flow and filtration for a 72g tank or if I need to go with something beefier, like a FX5 or Eheim Pro 3e. I'm planning for a medium bio load in the new tank. Thanks.
That's 360 gallons of flow on a 72g. It should be just enough. You really want a little bit more though. 5x-10x turn over is the amount you want. You're at 5x. The minimum. On my tank I have about 7x.
I have a 404 and a 205 on my 90gal. They get pretty clogged with plant material, so I clean them alternating weeks. I have a DIY skimmer intake ion the 205 and that used to get all sorts of clogged up before I got a screen put in.

The fish seem happy. I think 2 205s would do the job fine. However I did add an air pump as there wasnt enough surface agitation.
I'm upgrading from a 20g tank to a 72g. I've been using 1 Fluval 205 for my 20g and like it very much. So, I'm wondering if 2 Fluval 205's (I already have them) would provide adequate flow and filtration for a 72g tank or if I need to go with something beefier, like a FX5 or Eheim Pro 3e. I'm planning for a medium bio load in the new tank. Thanks.

Is the second filter running in the tank now? If not it might be a good idea to put it in, so it gets up and running before you move it to the other tank.

I think you'll be able to do it but you won't be able to put the maximum amount of fish in there without a bigger filter, but you could upgrade to that at your leisure.
Thanks for the advice guys. You've validating what I was thinking - I'll start with the 205s and uprade in the future.
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