upside down rubbernose pleco

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 26, 2006
first let me say I am brand new to keeping an aquarium.. and I know now that I did everything wrong... help.. Iamb trying to do things right now.

My Eclipse 5 (basic setup) tank is 10 days old. I have 2 albino mollies, 3 neons (9 days) and 1 rubber nose pleco (he's been with me 3 days) with some live plants in a 5 gallon tank. Two days ago I noticed white spots.. ICK! I started treatment today. Now my pleco is tucking himself under an aquarium decoration and laying still on the bottom of the tank. Is this normal? He did not do this before today. Three days ago (before the pleco) I change 10% of the water and vaccumed the gravel (which I have way too much of 2")

I checked my water conditions and the nitrate2/amonia levels are up to 2.0 so I took him out and put him in the water I have prepared for the next cleaning (all levels in the ideal range) with an airater. (I'll be able to get to the store tomorrow to get something to help with the amonia.. I was hoping the plants and nitrite rock would help. [nitrite (0); hardness (120); alkalinity (180); pH (7.6)]

Is my ignorance making me parenoid and I should put him back in the tank? or what should I do?
Welcome to AA! Ok for starters do a water change asap. Pardon my ignorance but is an Eclipse 5 a 5 gal? Treatment for ich should be raising temp slowly to 86 F and not treating with meds. Many plecos are sensitive to meds. Ammonia blockers are not a good idea IMO, regular water changes while the tank is cycling is the best method to keeping the ammonia and nitrites down. You may even have to do daily water changes. You can add water from the tap, corrected to the closest possible temp and dechlorinator right away, no need to let it sit, that way you can keep the temp high enough to treat the ich. Keep the temps up for 2 weeks after you see the last spot. Add aeration or lower the water a bit to allow the filter to splash more.
Yes, its a 5 gal. I did a water change while I waiting for your responses. I'll do another in the morning following your directions and stopped the meds. How many water changes can I do in a day? If I understand the article correctly I might need to do it every 8 to 13 hours? Should I put the carbon filter back in?

Thank you both. I'm sure I'll have other questions. Like how long before I can put the pleco back in the tank. He's probably already infected. Right now the poor fellow is in a bucket of non-medicated water with an airater and an algae wafer from Hikari. He seems much better.

Again thank you so much. I'll keep you posted with questions... If you don't mind.
Put him in the tank right away the heat is the treatment for the ich. You can as many water changes as necessary. In a 5 gal a change per day will do. Put the carbon back in asapto remove exsisting meds.

Be prepared in the future that your 5 gal is way overstocked and will require a lot of maintenance, you will need a new tank soon. Your pleco will grow to be 4-6". Also he will eat your neons. Your mollies will get to be 3-4" each. A general rule of thumb is 1" of grown fish size per gallon. I don't mean to be negative in any way but it is always good to know what you are getting into.
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