Urgent dg stuck

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Did you already at API Aquarium Salt? if so, I would just leave him alone for the night and try to get the melafex tomorrow...
That's great news! I still recommend the melafex though to help heal his fins.
Do you have a Petco or Petsmart?
They should probably have it, I go to Petsmart and they normally keep it by the water conditioners.
charmerang said:
Do you have a Petco or Petsmart?
They should probably have it, I go to Petsmart and they normally keep it by the water conditioners.

all i got is petsmart that's where i got him il call and ask hopefully they do and it's cheap
il ask my mom tmrw i never dosed meds so im kinda eh i also have marimo ball anachris and anubias so i really dont wana kkill them it's 11pm here now so im gonna crash now will post how hes doing in the am i hope he will fight threw it
update: hes kinda lazily floating not gaspin for air so o think thats good not very responseive he may be takeing his last breaths it's to early to tell if he is on deaths door step it will probaly happen by the time i get home from school
I'm glad he is looking better. If that happens again, bring him to the surface so he can get some air. Gouramis are labyrinth fish, meaning they can breathe air. They need to surface and get a gulp of air every once in a while.

I would maybe shoot dkpate a private message and see what she did with her DG. It got stuck between a rock and the side of the tank and got scratched pretty bad. She treated him with something and he recovered nicely.
will do later i gta get redy for school hes active agian magye he was lethargic because i just turned light on??
sent dk a pm hopefuly response soon i took lid of breeders box iknew they were a labrynth fish like bettas but it sliped mind i was more concered about him makein it well he has acess to air and its off to the bus for me hopefully he wont be belly up this afternoon
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