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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 1, 2005
Spokane, Wa
ok what is it, and why shoud i get one?? just curious what the pros and cons are of having one... thanks!
I also like mine. Kills algae spores, ich, and anything else that goes through it. Adding to Nate's post.... It does kill ich but there is no way to guarantee all the ich infested tank water will go through it.
get one. lol
As stated before. DOES keep water clear. Never *knock on wood* have had to see if it cures ich.
but i recommend it.
Not to high jack - but I have heard many say the Turbo twist is a good one? Whats a good price for one of these? I think I have seen the middle sized one for like $80 - is this right?
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