Uv sterilizers pro and cons

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 21, 2010
San Diego,ca
Ok way back 20+years ago or so when I was maintaining a sw tank , everyone was saying that if you could afford a UV sterilizer ( i couldnt )than you should get one to prevent a lot of diseases and parasites that prey on your fish.
It seems to me that nobody these days seem to be touting them like they used to.
I really am curious as to their benefits vs their negativity in today's tanks, it seems like a small investment to help maintain your tanks integrity if it does in fact work.
they kill whatever is in the water column, and makes it through the unit. they don't kill anything that doesn't enter the unit. most of the parasites we see in our tanks are not effected enough by a sterilizer to warrant using one.

they also kill whatever goes through it, so any good creatures will die in the process.

it's a small investment, but money you could spend on livestock, or another component that might be more useful.

i had a use for one in a tank i maintain at a local gym. one day it developed an algae bloom most folks know as "green water". the tank looked like it was full of nothing but antifreeze. after about 300 gallons of water changes, i used a small sterilizer and in 4 days it was crystal clear. i turned it off after that, and haven't used it since.
I had asked my buddy at the LFS about all the equipment I'd need to start up a tank from scratch a few months ago and I had asked him the same question re.the Uv sterilizers ,... He paused for a moment and said it's a 50/50 poll on them,...some folks feel they can not get along without one and others feel that it's not worth the investment.
The article mike suggested to read kinda makes you wanna run out and get one,.....but, i just wanted to see what you guys thought,..no,..I haven't started up the car yet for the mad dash to the fish shop but it does make for an interesting read
There is newer research showing that the units sold for aquariums are seriously undersized to do much good. Also, the glass ends up with a sludge build up over time reducing the effectiveness.

Yes I have one, but it has been turned off for that past 4 years.
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