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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 25, 2005
I did the living room floor today, but it got me to thinking about the tank.

Is this like one of those things that I woud attch to the vaccume cleaner? Do they come as a seperate type of thing.. I have NO clue here! Any and all advice about vacumming the tank would be highly appreciated!

10 Gallon Tank:
2 Small Mollies
2 Fancy Mollies
1 Male Betta
Not even close to the same thing. :D It's a hose that is attached to a tube. You put the tube into the tank, start the suction on the hose, and push the tube into the gravel. The suction will pull up the fish waste. You put the hose end into the bucket. That way it catches the water.
Hi again Mary...

FF has given a very good and accurate description of gravel vacuuming. There are a number of these devices available. Just wanted to suggest my favorite one and that is the python.

Click here for an example of what it looks like. :)
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