vacuming sand

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 25, 2004
Milwaukee WI

so when you vacume your sand to pick up un wated junk does everyone loose sand?......i was told my sand would get hard does this prevent sand loss? or do some people have to replace sand time to time??? thanks for any info

When I vac the sand I just pull up the fishy waste. You may have to wave your hand above the sand to throw it up. I've never heard of sand getting hard. You should run something around the same on a monthly basis to prevent it. Some sand will have to be replaced, but that's just from being sucked up.
You must thoroughly stir up all the sand (even under plants) befoere weekly water changes, or anerobic (toxic) pockets will develop. Then you can surface skim the sand after the dirt settles, with your syphon.
i wave my gravel vac, in little circles over the sand, the movement creates like a mini tornado picking up all the debris, and little sand. Takes a while to get the hang of it though.
It also depends on how fine your sand is...superfine sand tends to get sucked up more thant the larger grain sands.
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