Vacuuming Eco-Complete

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 22, 2005
I wanted to ask a quick question about vacuuming eco-complete. I have very little experience vacuuming gravel at all, but I did notice that when I do it, the vacuum tends to suck out a fair amount of the sandy part of the substrate. Is this something I should worry about or am I doing something wrong?

I'd hate to have to replace it all the time 'cause I'm sucking it out with the water... Tips anybody? :0)

in a planted tank, you don't vac 'into' the substrate, just vac the top surface. that shouldn't suck up the eco. if it does, your vac must have a lot of suction, you might need a wider mouth'd vac.
I have the same problem, Eco-complete is very fine. Try cleaning it with the gravel vac tilted instead of going straight down on the substrate.
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