vegetables for convict?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 23, 2012
I have been "playing" with my female convict this morning and notice that she picks at the film on the airline tubing in her tank. I assume it is algae of some sort and wondered if I should be giving her algae wafers or peas or something to supplement her boring hikari pellet diet.

By playing. I mean that we have found she is developing some personality. If we put a finger on the side of the tank, she flairs all her fins and turns really dark in color. Sad to say, it is quite entertaining!
I was seriously considering getting a convict and did lots of research on this very thing. I found that it is necessary to feed convicts vegetables as much as you feed them pellets. This is because too much high-protein food is very hard on the liver and kidneys of the fish and will definitely shorten their lifespan.
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